Facebook Account Management - How to share access to a Facebook ad account

Follow the steps below in order to share access to your Facebook and/or Instagram ad account with an agency partner:
  1. Go into Business Manager and navigate to "Ad Accounts" on the left-hand side. 

    Magnetic Creative - Business Manager Ad Account setting
  2. Click "Assign Partners" and then select "Business ID".

    Magnetic Creative - business Facebook
  3. Enter your agency partner's Account ID (our ID here at Magnetic is: 1056000501106745) and set their permissions to either view, manage, or act as an admin of the account. 

Alternatively, you can send your agency partner your Business ID, and they can request access from their end (how to find your business ID).

Recommended Reading: 4 Steps to Grow Your Brand Through Social Media

Too often, brands view social media as a commodity… another marketing channel that costs too much to outsource and takes too much time to do in house. Grow Your Brand through Social Media with these 4 basic principles.