What are Clutch reviews and how do they work?

Clutch is like Yelp! for B2B (business-to-business) service providers, service agencies, and software providers. 

What is Clutch?

Clutch is a B2B review website. They work to connect businesses with the best agencies, software providers, and consultants based on their specific project needs and requirements.

The Clutch platform covers a wide range of industries and services, such as branding agencies, creative services, web and app development, marketing, IT services, and various others.

What are Clutch reviews used for?

Just like Yelp!, positive Clutch reviews help build confidence with businesses looking to hire an agency.

Based on the client reviews, each service provider receives an overall rating (out of 5 stars) and is ranked within their respective industry or service category.

Businesses looking for service providers can use these rankings and reviews to make more informed decisions about which company to work with for their specific needs.

What is the Clutch review process like?

Clutch is rad.. and definitely doing reviews right.

They conduct in-depth interviews with clients through online form-based questionairres and/or phone calls. This process allows them to collect the most detailed and unbiased feedback and ensures the reviews are genuine.

The review process with Clutch provides potential clients with valuable insights into the agency or service provider's performance based on various factors, such as:

  1. Quality of work
  2. Cost and value for money
  3. Communication and responsiveness
  4. Project management and organization
  5. Ability to meet deadlines and expectations
  6. Overall experience and satisfaction

Can my Clutch review be anonymous?

Yes. Your review can be anonymous and you can choose whether or not to list your name and/or job title.

Keep in mind, making your identity public adds a ton of legitimacy to your review and to the company you are reviewing.

Clutch does verify all reviews, so you may need to some information before the anonymous review can be published. 

Can I change my Clutch review later?

Clutch does allow reviewers to change their reviews. The don't currently allow you to delete your reviews, however.

Clutch will allow your review to be updated if:

  1. A substantial amount of additional work has been completed since the original review
  2. The sentiment of the partnership has changed substantially since the original review

To change your Clutch review, you can reach out the representative at Clutch who conducted the original interview.

If you don't remember or can no longer contact the original interviewer, you can reach out to reviews@clutch.co for help!